How to Succeed in Tableau Ambassador Applications (and Other Self-Advocacy) By Really Trying
It’s nomination time for Tableau Ambassadors. Before I get too far in this blog, I want to say it loud for those in the back: If you want to be an ambassador, nominate yourself! Emily De Padua has a great blog on why you should nominate yourself here: Apply Anyway. Go read it, and then come back here and keep reading for tips on your application.

Now that’s you’ve decided you’re going to nominate yourself, how can you ensure your application is top notch? As a Tableau Ambassador and Visionary, I’ve put together some tips on preparing your application. Please note: I use these same tips at work for my end of year performance reviews, and when putting together my case for a raise or promotion. You are your greatest self-advocate, and hopefully this helps boost your confidence to go for what you want!
Whether you’re apply for Ambassador, Visionary, a promotion at work, or something else, it’s imperative you have data to showcase your impact. By showing your impact, instead of just telling it, you’re more likely to get whatever you’re applying for. Sounds easy, right? Well, if you just try to collect the data when the application window opens, you’re at a high risk for forgetting something you’ve done over the past year. Collect your data throughout the year with these techniques.
- Start a document on your computer where you can write down your data. I always start this document the moment I finish an application so that I can start collecting data for the next year’s application right away. I section the document based on the requirements of the application, so I can be sure I have a well-rounded application.
- Each time I do anything that can be used on the application, I add it to the document. Even if it’s just a sentence to say what I did, I write down everything. From giving feedback on someone’s viz to placing Top 10 in IronViz, anything can be used in the Tableau applications. Even if you don’t use everything in the actual application, at least you’ll remember what you’ve done and can decide how to use it.

- Assume the person reading your application will read it blind and won’t do any extra research on you or your achievements. Assume they aren’t going to look at your blog, or your Tableau Public account, anything. This will force you to document everything you want to be considered.
- Capture quantitative data related to your activity. For example, if you speak at a TUG, write down how many people attended. Also, save links to YouTube recordings of your talk so that, when the application opens, you can go to the link and write down how many views it has on top of those who attended the TUG. Gather your Tableau Public stats and records those in your application as well, any blog stats, etc. If you post tutorials or tips on Twitter or LinkedIn as threads, save those posts and gather those stats too.
- As you create content or mentor others during the year, promote your work. Share your blogs on social medium, volunteer to give feedback or speak at TUGs, etc. This will help boost your numbers.
- Save any quotes about your impact as well. Quantitative data will help demonstrate your skills, but qualitative data will help demonstrate your soft skills.
- If you’re documenting your impact at work, PDF emails and messages that demonstrate your impact or praise your work. Don’t be afraid to ask for written feedback that you can save as well.

- Read the document you’ve put together throughout the year. Make sure to look at it every so often, such as monthly or quarterly. Not only will this will help you remember to write down what you’ve done, but it will help you see which areas of the applications you are strong in, and which you may need to flesh out more.
- When it comes time to put together your application, don’t hold back. Don’t be timid, or humble. Remember, there are 3 million Tableau Public accounts, and many others who don’t have a Tableau Public account. If you’re advocating for a promotion, there are almost definitely others asking for the same thing. Now is not the time to be humble if you want to become “The Man.” Take all this data and put your best foot forward! If you want some music to pump you up, listen to “Cinderella Snapped” by Jax.
I hope these tips help you achieve whatever goal you’ve set for yourself, including Tableau Ambassador or Visionary. Please let me know if I missed anything, and if you want someone to review your application please reach out.